My website is telling me that I haven't written a blog post in, like... a year... and that I should change that, so... Sure.

The excuse I used last time when I hadn't written a blog entry for a while was that "nothing happened." I can't really use that same excuse this time because, well... it's been a whole year and things have definitely happened. Things won't stop happening, in fact, and that's why I haven't written.
So, what have I been up to?
A little recap of last year...
Last spring I did BVG Live again (and I also did it this spring, fantastic show, 10/10,) went to Midwest Horse Fair for the first time as a vendor (also did THAT again this spring, it was so great meeting everyone btw,) then came BreyerFest in the Artisan's Gallery, also for the first time. If you would've told 11-year-old Emma that one day she'd be selling her art in the same venue as all those awesome artists, I don't think she would've believed you. (Sometimes I still don't believe it, honestly.)
Here's a pic of me meeting my friend and Horse Game partner in crime, Luri, in person for the first time. And then I was a "hand model" for Breyer's Artisan Gallery camera sweep, showing off this awesome chainmail by Savvy Appy Studios.
Umm... After that it was fair/festival season! For those who don't know me very well personally, it may come as a little bit of a shock that in the middle of getting all the Sticker Club horses designed/shipped out and customizing models that I basically spend the entire months of July and August on the move hopping from one county fair to another. I'm essentially a carnie for two months and change, which definitely has its' ups and downs.
Last fall, I hung out with awesome illustrator and storyboard artist, Pinkie Davis, when they came to the UP. We went viral on TikTok for projecting the Saddle Club onto a mini horse (something my friends do every year at our county fair.)
Just so you guys know I'm not lying--
Courtney, Kenzie, and I headed to Minnesota for a cool model horse show. It was roughly a 10-hour drive into uncharted territory for us, but that didn't really matter. We had a blast, and our horses did pretty well on top of it all.
In the middle of all that, I at least try to have a life outside of model horses. Since moving home from Indiana, I've been able to ride my real horse a lot more often. And I'm still having weekly (we TRY to do this weekly, at least) meetings of the Horse-Shaped Object Podcast, better known to most as my Wednesday night gaming streams. You can check those out HERE.
HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) has also been on my agenda over the summer/fall-- at least when I can make it to meetings. Some friends of mine have started a club at our local university and are really hoping to make it a sanctioned sport going forward. As I'm not in college anymore, I can't exactly compete, but I'd still be cheering them on from the sidelines. Here's a short little clip of some sparring I happened to catch--
Now, if that's my year in review, what's coming up for the rest of 2024?
Well, with Midwest Horse Fair behind me, I am firing on all cylinders getting ready for BREYERFEST. I haven't made my official "I'm in the AG!" post yet, but that's coming (because I am,) so get ready for a bright, colorful, crazy array of customs on my end. For those of you who are familiar with His Pinkness, Ken, the fluorescent pink Anamar that I painted not too long ago, I still have quite a bit of that color left, and it's begging to be used ;)
The Once Upon a Time... sticker club is also now underway! Yay! Believe me when I say that I am ridiculously excited to share what I've been working on for that with everyone. Maybe I'll have to do a future blog post about the creation of the Cinderella carriage-- it took me the better part of an entire month to sketch, line, and color just the carriage, so it's certainly been a labor of love.
In the meantime, while we wait for Fest, I hope you'll continue to enjoy the weekly Horse Game content on Twitch and YouTube. Personally, it's a nice break in the chaos for me, and I hope it can be that for you all, too ^^