Enjoy your stay! Don't break anything priceless!
I've gotta say that I'm seriously enjoying that sheer chaos that has come from the reveals of all the BreyerFest SR's so far. Even on the occasions that I'm wrong in my predictions, the models are certainly living up to expectations.
And other than Mr. Peanutine, who was designed by Sommer Prosser, I think most of that credit can be given to the Mother of Models herself, Heather Puleo.
The past couple of days, we've had two models come out that are pottery themed.
Yesterday was DELFT, a lovely porcelain-blue Classics Morgan with resist dappling and a depiction of a horse and cart on his side.
While he isn't my cuppa and I won't be taking him home with me, I think the dark blue color on him is absolutely stunning. And I'm gonna give myself a point for "blue deco" on my predictions list.
But this other one.
Now THIS is much more my speed!
Clearly inspired by an auction model from BreyerFest 2021, Nemea is a lovely homage to ancient Grecian pottery-- and CHARIOT RACING. When the teaser came out, I don't know why, but my instant thought was that it would be on the Teke. I dunno if it was something about the ongoing theme of making a very valiant attempt at matching models with forms of driving or that I recognized those neck muscles (I'm currently prepping one of these longbois,) but I desperately wanted it to be Altynai.
As of right now, Nemea does not have a run number or price, but I'm assuming he'll probably be a run of around 1,500 - 2,000 and cost around $65.
I love him!
The only thing I can say is that I'm not 100% sold on the rusty-red mane, but I don't think that's enough to keep me from snatching one at BF this year.
(I'll find the shelf space. I swear.)
Are you snagging one?
Yes, absolutely!
Nah, he's not for me.